Higher Awareness
Personal development and spiritual growth programmes from Higher Awareness
Higher Awareness run a series of programmes that are there for those occasions in our lives when we realise that what we really need is the structure and discipline of some form of personal development plan.
We don't necessarily feel the need for a teacher, nor do we feel the need to join or belong to any particular organisation, church, sangha, class or self-help group. Perhaps we don't have time, or maybe we are already in such a group.
But we do feel that we'd benefit from the "drip feeding" of quality material to re-inforce our personal growth and spiritual development. I was in exactly this position several years ago when I first discovered Higher Awareness.
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Offering daily guidance tips and quotes on your life's journey!
Is this for you?
Since finding Higher Awareness I have subscribed to and received much of their material and have found it insightful and helpful - often arriving in my inbox just when I needed to hear that particular message.
Is this for you? As with all of this type of material it rather depends on your age, stage and preferences. For me, I like the non-doctrinaire and non faith-tradition-based approach. Personally I tend to see life more in terms of a unitive perspective and prefer an inclusive approach - so this material works for me.
If you are from a faith-based tradition and prefer material from within your own tradition then this may not appeal to you.
What I can tell you is that these people clearly speak from the heart, have been round the block of life, are genuine and authentic. Check out their profiles below.
Who runs Higher Awareness?

The site is run by John and Patrice Robson who between them have over 50 years experience in the field of personal and spiritual growth.
John says:
"For over 20 years, I have been learning and applying intuition and creativity processes in my personal and business life.
All in all, I've taken over 120 personal growth programs. For many years, I have studied esoteric spirituality, which is the understanding, experience and application of universal laws and principles to practical life. I also completed a three-year soul-based counseling certification program offered by the Philosophical Counselling Institute.
I am deeply committed to helping people to change. I want to empower others to trust themselves and use their own natural thinking abilities so they can get out of their ruts and lead more meaningful and joyful lives. My own particular focus lies in developing our higher minds and consciousness and an extensive personal and spiritual growth tool kit that will help people find their own worth, power, purpose and joy. This is the aim of 'Higher Awareness.'"
Patrice says:
"How do I introduce myself to you? Unlike John, I don't have a lot of official credentials that might convince you that I have the knowledge to support my own personal growth website.
What I have to offer you is my experience. All my life, I have been exploring the purpose of life, and my life in particular.
Initially, it was a desperate search to find comfort and meaning for myself. Until my mid-40's, I had no dreams, no opinions, no passion for anything - I was a shell around a dark void. Clueless about who I was, I hid behind my titles of wife, mother and Communications Officer.
'I am what I do' was my only means of defining myself. I just pretended to be real. Because I had no dreams of my own, I poured all my energy into the dreams of others.
In my early 40s, just through a divorce, in a difficult new relationship and with an unexpected baby, I found myself in crisis. Pain and divine grace led me to a great therapist who helped me begin to get in touch with my own needs.
It hasn't been easy, searching that black void inside with my tiny flashlight for clues about who I am. But the rewards! I'm not pretending to be real any longer - I'm there!"
Free Personality Quiz
How well do you know yourself? What is your next growth step?
But do you know where you are now?
A successful personal development plan has to start from where you are now. But do you know where you are?
- Do you really know who you are and what you most want?
- Do you know what special gifts you bring to the world?
- Do you know what stops you from grasping new opportunities in life?
- Do you understand the differences between your personality and your higher self?
If you can't easily answer these fundamental questions, then take an exciting and revealing journey to know & grow yourself.
No matter what your challenge, Higher Awareness can help you look at your life in new ways - and this will support you to live differently.
Offering 18 powerful workbooks with daily email support.
Access your own inner wisdom.
Release stress, blocks and what holds you back. Realize more of your potential!