The secret for success is a popular topic with many articles online discussing the qualities of successful people and how we can benefit from developing these qualities.
There is a lot of focus on persistence and perseverance, self belief and risk taking and this is all good stuff, and I have written elsewhere about these broader themes of success factors.
But the purpose of this article is to look at the foundation of the secret for success, in any area of your life.
There is one very
basic and powerful factor. It is easy to understand and is
fundamental to your nature.
It is the way that people in all walks of life have achieved success from the beginning of time.
It is the building block upon which all success is built and the rocket fuel that powers it, and it is desire.
To accomplish any success in life, you must identify accurately what it is that you hunger for, thirst for and long for.
you were lost in a desert and you soon become hot and thirsty. You
would do or give just about anything to get a drink of cool, clear
This overpowering thirst is what we refer to as a "Core Desire".
Put very simply, what do you want out of life? What is your core desire? A powerful metaphor for finding your core desire is provided by the story
of the Zen master who was repeatedly asked by a very devout and seeking
student: "Master, what does it take for me to reach enlightenment?" I have known a number of people who really are not living the lives
they want to, and have clearly not found the secret for success in their lives. In many cases this is as a result of parental and
family expectations. Regardless of your age or stage in life, the process for establishing your personal secret for success is the same and it follows these 3 key steps:
1. Accurately identify your Core Desire This area is massively
important and I have written an article about the importance of the company you keep. Over time you become like the company you keep, so choose it wisely and well. My experiences When I was in my mid to late teens I was very aware of two powerful core
desires and drivers in my life, and at that time they seemed
irreconcilable. Gradually as the years rolled by I began to see that these two drives were intertwined in ways that I had not anticipated. Life purpose I was sitting in a bar in Singapore a while ago
with a bunch of expat friends enjoying some beers and a chat. The
conversation took an interesting turn when one of them suddenly asked
the group: What difference did I make? What impact will I leave in the lives of others? My core desires haven't changed since I first became aware of
them many years ago. The desire to be a successful businessman and the
desire to be a spiritual man are still as powerful as they ever were. I have found that my desire to succeed in business has sustained me
through many long and difficult years. No matter what happens, as long
as I am still alive I will always be a businessman because its in my DNA
it is who I am. And now... So
at this later stage in my life, I have come to realise that the
stronger of these two drives is my spiritual drive. But I am still and
will always be a businessman.The Zen Master And The Water Trough
The Zen master ignored the student. She asked again and was ignored. Eventually she said:
"Master, please tell me, what must I do to reach enlightenment?"
The Zen master grabbed the student by the scruff of the neck and held her head under water in a nearby water trough.
30 seconds later he pulled the student's head up and then immediately plunged her head back under water.
process repeated a few times until eventually the Zen master relented -
whereupon he said to the gasping half drowned student:
"When you seek Zen as you now seek air - THEN you will find it."
3 Key Steps
Often this dissatisfaction manifests in midlife and it can cause or accompany a typical mid-life crisis.
Desires are those things you want so badly that you will do or become
whatever it takes to get them, no matter how hard it is or what the risk
or expense is.
These are things that your heart is set on — things you want with all your heart.
Core Desires are the things that you would be prepared to die trying for.
2. Unleash a powerful force that lies within you
your core desire is so strong that you would stake your life on it then
it is aligned with one of the most powerful drivers you have - your
survival instinct.
This life-force is overwhelming powerful, and
when your subconscious mind realises that you will risk anything and everything to
achieve your core desire it sees the achievement of that desire as part
of your survival.
With this drive, fueled by passion, commitment
and persistence you can and will overcome all obstacles. It won't be
easy, it may get bloody, but you will ultimately succeed.
Without this drive, you will likely give in or give up.
3. Find a teacher, mentor or coach to help you realize your core desires and focus your drive.
this assistance, guidance and support, especially in the beginning, you
may not gain the knowledge, master the skills, and endure all the
hardships and setbacks along the way.
Whenever possible, I have chosen to spend time with and work with people
who are more intelligent, more capable and more successful in business
than me and with others who are more spiritual and insightful than I
will ever be.
On the one hand I wanted to be a businessman and
make money and on the other hand I wanted to follow a spiritual path and
perhaps become a monk (which will amuse any of my friends who know me
The ups and especially the downs of my business life has been
the catalyst for a lot of personal development and spiritual growth, and
income generated through my business has enabled me to sponsor and
support various spiritual initiatives and activities. This website is an
example of this.
In more recent times this has enabled me to
take a deeper interest in mentoring and providing ongoing support to a
number of people.
"If you knew you were going to die tonight and
you were given a few minutes to reflect before that happened, what would
you say was the meaning of your life?"
On hearing that question I suddenly had a moment of clarity and I realised that for me the answer was (and remains):
I have found on many occasions that my spiritual drive has sustained my business side.
I have also found that my desire to follow the spiritual path has on
occasions put me in positions and caused me to have to take decisions
that at the time seemed as though I was putting my business at risk.
If this sounds contradictory and convoluted, maybe it is, but it is my reality and I have no regrets.
If were to die tonight I believe there may be a few people for whom I have in some small way helped to make a difference.
I trust I have more years ahead of me to enjoy further business success and to make a difference in more lives.
For myself, I can think of no better way to live or die.
Further Reading:
Going The Extra Mile - The Power Of One More
Finish What You Start - Action Will Destroy Your Procrastination
How Not To Be Stupid - 3 Key Tips
Next Article:
Your core desire will fuel your efforts to achieve your desired success, but without focus those efforts can be wasted. So, the
second most important factor that will determine whether or not you
achieve your objectives is Your Point Of Focus
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