Asking yourself: "What is my life purpose?" is one of the most important questions you will ever ask. It cuts straight to the heart of who you are and why you are here.
Life purpose coach Richard Leider has defined an equation for establishing your life purpose as:
Gifts + Passions + Values = Purpose
G + P + V = P
Your answers to the 'what is my life purpose' question will change and develop as you mature in age and experience.
The 3 stages to life purpose
How I rediscovered my life purpose sitting in a bar in Singapore...
I hadn't considered the 'what is my life purpose question' for sometime when I rediscovered it sitting in a bar in Singapore a while ago with a bunch of expat
friends enjoying some beers and a chat. The conversation took an
interesting turn when one of them suddenly asked the group:
you knew you were going to die tonight and you were given a few minutes
to reflect before that happened, what would you say was the meaning of
your life?"
On hearing that question I suddenly had a moment of clarity and I realised that for me the answer to the 'what is my life purpose question' was (and remains):
"What difference will you make?
What impact will you leave in the lives of others?"
A fast track to discovering your life purpose
The 3 keys to identifying your core desire
Jack Canfield - on discovering your life purpose
Steve Pavlina on 11 Ways to Gain Clarity
Being honest with yourself about your ideal world and genuine joys will help you clarify your true focus, be clear about what really matters to you, and thus help you to answer the 'what is my life purpose' question: Steve Palina
Setting the scene
I want to set the context for what I am saying from here on by referring to some of what I shared in The Red Pill:
"The true nature of reality is unprovable both in terms of objective reality and subjective reality. We will never know the truth - so if you can accept this, then approach it in an experimental frame of mind.
The journey of personal development and spiritual growth starts by developing a good working relationship with your mind.
initial stages of this process focus on the conscious mind and working
on all the things you can do to develop a more resourceful mind.
you engage with this process you soon realise that your mind has many
unconscious aspects that you need to make conscious and work on.
Then, at some point, you become aware of your spiritual or higher self.
The best way to think of this is as your personal portal to the universe and 'everything out there'."
Your life purpose is one of the most powerful forces in your life
though you may not be consciously aware of it, your life purpose exerts
a tremendous influence over what happens or doesn’t happen in your
life, in your personal life and relationships, and in your business and wealth creation
It is one of the most powerful forces in your life and
has a major bearing on the overall processes you go through as your
progress through life.
The events, experiences, and benefits
that flow out of that process help you to fulfill your life purpose. The
dynamics of all this are different for every person. However, my life experience has shown that there are three unforeseeable factors that
have a major impact:
Everyone’s path is unique to them. Everything you experience appears to be custom designed to help you fulfill your life purpose. Although it often will not seem like it at the time, and answering the 'what is my life purpose' question may take time [often years] before that becomes fully apparent to you.
Your higher self knows what is happening and is working things out according to your life purpose
You are learning whatever it is you need to learn to be able to move on to the next stage and answer the 'what is my life purpose' question.
There are many things in life that our conscious minds cannot understand.
It may grind very slowly but it will create the finest outcome possible
we must be patient, for when our higher self is working behind the
scenes to fulfill our life purpose it may grind very slowly but it will
create the finest outcome possible – if you dare to wait until the
process is completed.
You receive help by building a relationship with your higher self
You may need help to answer the 'what is my life purpose' question. You may need efficient and effective ways of filtering all the available options and possibilities. This enables you can focus on people, ideas, strategies and resources that are needed to help you achieve your objectives.
You access this help by building a relationship with your higher self, and through that relationship tapping into the tremendous power that is available there.
You learn how to request specific help from your higher self and to learn how to develop a 2-way communication channel to receive the specific help and guidance that you need.
There are far larger forces at work than your conscious mind
It is absolutely vital that you learn that the way your life and your business efforts evolve and unfold will not be determined solely by what your conscious mind thinks you want, or what you see from the perspective of your conscious mind.
There are far larger forces at work than your conscious mind, big-picture goals to be achieved, and what you really want (to complete your life purpose) to be considered.
This does not mean that your entire life is pre-destined or pre-determined, and that you have no free will or choice. Every moment and detail of your life is not predetermined, however, the big-picture themes, events, relationships and influences are.
When you begin to see results from this relationship you will begin to understand the importance of a strong partnership with your higher self, who knows your life purpose and mission, sees the big picture.
You’ll only have as much money as it takes to fulfill your life purpose. Believe me, I have wrestled with this one!
Fulfilling your life purpose may involve your having a great amount of money or very little money, or experiencing cycles of both – at various points in your life. At any given moment, you’ll only have as much money as it takes (or is allowed) to make sure that you fulfill your life purpose. No more, no less.
It doesn’t matter what you think you want, how anxious or hungry you are, how smart you are or how lucrative the opportunities that cross your desk may be – if creating business success and wealth are part of your mission and life purpose, they’ll come, but not until the best time. And your higher self will be the judge of when the best time is, not you and your conscious mind.
The secret of successfully fulfilling your life purpose is to be ready for when your opportunity comes
You make decisions or take actions only when you receive "knock me over the head signs", or you feel a strong desire to do so, or you actually have reached a decision point- i.e. a moment when you are actually forced to make a decision or take action.
This could be because you’re out of time you’re at a junction or someone in a position of authority is requiring you to comply.
Don’t be impatient or try to force a decision point where there isn’t one. This approach involves great risk.
To paraphrase Benjamin Disraeli: "the greatest secret of success in life is to be ready when your opportunity comes."
Please don't take my word for any of this - test it for yourself!
Free Download: One Page Summary Sheet With Action Points & Resources
Further Reading:
Introducing "The Balanced Toolkit" Approach To Life
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