Mental Models

Mental Models Help You Think Effectively

A Mental Model Is A High Level Overview Of How Something Works

Mental Models - Help you think effectively  and are a high level overview of how something works. A graphic of a head with lots of objects feeding into it.

Mental Models - Overview

Mental models are high level representations of how thing work.

They help you think effectively and thus are fully aligned with the objectives and purpose of this site.

According to Charlie Munger:

    “...developing the habit of mastering the multiple models which underlie reality is the best thing you can do.”

Munger is referring here to mental models.

Two broad categories of mental models that are particularly useful are those that help us understand how:

[1] The world works and thus to predict the future.

[2] To see connections and opportunities

Our world is multi-dimensional and our problems are complex. Most problems cannot be solved using one model alone, thus it follows that the more models you have in the toolkit, the better equipped you will be to solve your problems because you can look at the problem from a variety of perspectives and increase the odds that you will come to a better solution.

But if you don’t have the models, you become the proverbial man with a hammer to whom every problem looks like a nail.

Another important consideration is how you prioritise your learning. Trying to keep up-to-date with all the latest information will lead to us chasing our tails, therefore Charlie Munger says that we should focus on things that change slowly:

    "The models that come from hard science and engineering are the most reliable models on this Earth."

Latticework Of Mental Models

Charlie Munger - quote about mental models.

Since it is impossible to keep all of the details of all of the information that you absorb in your brain, you use models to simplify the complex into understandable and organisable chunks.

Mental models shape how you reason and how you understand, and they also shape the connections and opportunities that you see, and also why you consider some things more relevant than others.

The quality of your thinking processes is proportional to the models in your head and their applicability to the situation under consideration.

The more models you have the better quality will be your thinking processes and decision making ability, however most people are specialists.

    What we need is a latticework of mental models spanning many different domains of information and experience.

  • Many people know a little about a little.
  • Most people with training and skills in a particular discipline or scope of proficiency know a lot about a little.
  • The person with a latticework of mental models knows a little about a lot.
  • The serious thinker has a latticework of mental models that enable him/her to know a lot about a lot.

“You don’t have to know everything. A few really big ideas carry most of the freight.”

"It’s kind of fun to sit there and out-think people who are way smarter than you are because you’ve trained yourself to be more objective and more multidisciplinary. Furthermore, there is a lot of money in it, as I can testify from my own personal experience."

Latticework of mental models.

Charlie Munger: Adding Mental Tools to Your Toolbox

Mental Models  - Resources

How To Prioritise Learning Mental Models

Charlie Munger quote about the power of reading.

    “The more basic knowledge you have … the less new knowledge you have to get.”

Further reading:

How to prioritise learning

In the words of Charlie Munger:

    “...take a simple idea and take it seriously.”

How Do Mental Models Align With The Themes Of This Site?

The purpose of this site is to show you how to cope in tough times, and to provide you with the tools to do this successfully. Mental models are an integral part of all this. Here is how it all hangs together.

FULL LISTING - Mental Models

Mental Models: The Best Way to Make Intelligent Decisions (109 Models Explained)

Mental Models - Resources

Mental Models - General Thinking Concepts

What Is Truth - How To Tell A Partial Truth From The Whole Truth?

The Map Is Not The Territory

Circle Of Competence

First Principles Thinking

Second Order Thinking

The Metagame Approach to Second-Order Thinking - 5 Guiding Principles

Occams Razor

Hanlons Razor

Probabilistic Thinking


The Power Of Opposite Thinking

Iatrogenics - "Do Something Syndrome"

Asking The Right Questions

Finding Signal In The Noise

The Unseen Margins


How To Make Better Decisions - By Avoiding The Narrative Trap

Mental Models - Human Nature


Algorithms to Live By

Availability Heuristic                                                                      

Representativeness Heuristic

Affect Heuristic

Cognitive Distortions

Confirmation Bias

Why You Should Embrace Anomalies

Fundamental Attribution Error

Hindsight Bias

Survivorship Bias

Herd Mentality

Mental Models - Productive Thinking

Deep Work

Applied Rationality and The Scout Mindset

The One Thing

The Pomodoro Technique

Less Is More - Subtractive Solutions

Thinking Fast and Slow

The Long Game

Knowing When To Quit

Atomic Habits

Delayed Gratification

The Challenges Of The Road Less Traveled

The Gap And The Gain

Root Cause Analysis

Inflection Points

Nassim Taleb

Black Swans


Living Antifragile

Skin In The Game


Keeping Things Simple

The Art Of Saying No

Getting Things Done

Just Do It

Positive Asymmetry


Fat Tail Fractal Factor

Going The Extra Mile

Finish What You Start

How Not To Be Stupid

Checklist Manifesto

Signal In The Noise

Unseen Margins

Discernment - Exercising Good Judgement

How To Win Without Succeeding

Keeping Things Simple

The Art Of Saying No

The Long Game

How To Make Better Decisions - By Avoiding The Narrative Trap

The ETTO Principle - Why Near Enough Can Be Good Enough

Outcome Over Optics - Long Game Outcomes Over Short-Term Ego Gains

Mental Models - Physics, Chemistry & Biology

Speed and Velocity


The Red Queen Effect


Mental Models - Systems

Margin Of Safety

Mental Models - Numeracy


Pareto Principle

Fat Tail Fractal Factor

Regression To The Mean

Multiplying By Zero

Food For Thought: Using Models to Stay Calm in Charged Situations

Return from "Mental Models" to: How To Think

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