The Power Pause

Regain Your Balance And Manifest Your Intentions

A very simple but powerful technique developed and taught by John Harricharan

The Power Pause. Regain Your Balance And Manifest Your Intentions. A very simple but powerful technique developed and taught by John Harricharan. Picture of a Lotus Flower.

The Power Pause - Background And Introduction

The Power Pause is a very simple but powerful technique developed and taught by John Harricharan.

It relieves stress and anxiety, helps you regain your balance and manifest your intentions.

I first discovered John about 25 years ago and I was moved and helped by his writings and talks.

He is a remarkable but very humble man who has experienced great personal loss and tragedy and yet has achieved considerable success in several spheres of life.

He teaches from experience and from the heart - which is always a powerful combination.

On one occasion I participated in a live event at which John was speaking, and he was very kind and helpful to me personally.

The Three Minute Power Pause 

The full title of the power pause is the "Three Minute Power Pause" because in as little as three minutes you can relieve stress and anxiety and regain your balance.

Your conscious mind tries to monitor and guide your activities based on its beliefs and experiences - in other words your inner map of reality.

Your experiences are to a large extent the result of your beliefs and your inner map of reality. Change your beliefs and your experiences will change.

If you tried to do this practice for 30 minutes of more your mind will tell you that you don't have time. But you can give yourself permission to take just 3 minutes. Your conscious mind won't object to 3 minutes.

You can do this several times a day.

After a short while you of doing this you will find the mere intent of doing it breaks your concentration with your current preoccupations.

I do recommend that you download the kindle version of this which explains it more fully - please use the link shown in "Resources" below.

I commend The Power Pause to you.

Please don't be deceived by its simplicity!

How To Do The Power Pause

[1] The first principle is to break focus, disconnect from the problem - switch your thinking away from it.

When you want to stop thinking about a problem, simply change your focus to a pleasant experience and the problem will no longer your thinking space.

When you're caught up in fear, your actually feeding your problem and helping it grow. The real trick is to starve it by withdrawing your focus and energy from it.

It's not enough to change your mind about a problem you have to keep it changed. This is when you use affirmations. You can make some up or find your own in online or in a book.

I used to have an affirmation that I created: "I walk in the light, I choose the light"

The content doesn't matter as long as it lifts your spirit and you can say it with feeling.

When fear and doubt try to overwhelm you use your affirmation and repeat it over and over like a mantra. It starves the fear and negativity and gives your mind something else to focus on.

Fear only exists because you feel that you are not in control. It waits for you in the dark when you are at your weakest and most vulnerable to grab you by the throat.

Give up the need for control, take a leap of faith,and fear will vanish.

[2] Feel how you would feel if everything you wanted to happen actually occurred.

After you've broken focus with your problems, after you've directed your attention away from what is bothering you, then you start to feel how you would feel if everything you wanted to happen actually occurred.

Feel how you would feel if your biggest problem was solved to your complete satisfaction.

Your subconscious mind can not differentiate between real and imagined experience. It reacts very strongly to powerful emotions or energy. It is like goal seeking mechanism on auto-pilot.

[3] Then just… breathe a quiet, heartfelt 'thank you' to the universe, to God, or whatever you regard as the Higher Power that guides all our footsteps.

"Gratitude triggers one of the greatest mystical laws of the universe.

It's as if you've already received the things you want and you're expressing thanks for them.

The very act of giving thanks accelerates the flow of the eternal river of joy, peace and all good things."

You must take action yourself and do everything you can about your problems. This is important and is required of all of us.

Think of this as a "multi-vitamin for the soul"!

But in addition to that, practice the Power Pause a number of times each day. Make sure you do it last thing at night before you fall asleep.

Don't be misled by the simplicity of this, it's simple but not always easy. Many people start and expect to see immediate big changes and then give up.

This is regular daily practice that with practice will become second nature to you. After a while you will find yourself doing this automatically as needed.

Think of this practice as a "multi-vitamin for the soul"!

Don't start to analyse it, and don't try to figure out how your problems will work out.

The hardest part will be learning how to get out of your own way and learning how to drop the "How?"

Remember that we live in an energetic universe and what you focus your energy on expands.

The Power Pause - Resources

John Harricharan

The Power Pause

The Power Of Gratitude

Return to: The Law Of Attraction

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