Zen Thoughts Email Series

Conversations With A Friend


Zen Thoughts Email Series - Introduction

Zen Thoughts is an email series of 50 short messages spread over 3 months.

I originally ran this series about 5 years ago and many people contacted me to say that they found it helpful. So I have updated it and I am now rerunning the series.

  • You will receive one message every 3 days.
  • The messages are written in the style of a conversation with a friend who is going through a tough time.
  • The messages offer practical mindfulness based suggestions to help you see your situation in a fresh light and to offer proven practical resources, all of which I have used and found helpful.
  • There is a link at the end of each piece to an article which expands on the theme and provides helpful resources.
  • This series is free and there is nothing on sale here, you can unsubscribe at any time.