Myers Briggs ISTJ

The Inspector

Myers Briggs ISTJ

Myers Briggs ISTJ - Summary

  • Quiet serious; earn success by thoroughness and dependability.
  • Practical, matter of fact, realistic and responsible.
  • Decide logically what should be done and work towards it steadily regardless of distractions.
  • Take pleasure in making everything orderly and organised - their work, home and life.
  • Value traditions and loyalty.

Myers Briggs ISTJ - Characteristics

  • Myers Briggs ISTJs thrive on organisation and keep their lives and environments well regulated. They bring painstaking attention to detail in their work and will not rest until a job is well completed. They are often dissatisfied with unresolved issues, whether in life or in fiction.
  • They are faithful, logical, organized, sensible, and earnest traditionalists. They earn success by thoroughness and dependability. Shutting out distractions, they take a practical, logical approach to their endeavours. Realistic and responsible, they work steadily toward their goals. They enjoy creating order in both their professional and personal lives.
  • Despite their focus on their internal world, they prefer dealing with the present and the factual. Keen observers of life, they weigh various options when making decisions. They are well prepared for most eventualities and have a good understanding of most situations. They believe in practical objectives, and they value traditions and loyalty.
  • ISTJs learn best and apply themselves to subjects that they deem practical and useful. As learners, they tend to need materials, directions, and teachers to be precise and accurate if they are to trust the information that is presented. They prefer concrete and useful applications and will tolerate theory only if it leads to these ends.
  • They like learning activities that allow them time to reflect and think. Material that seems too easy or too enjoyable leads them to tend to be sceptical of its merit. Because of their practical outlook, they clearly delineate between work and play. Therefore, their ideal learning environment is task-oriented, has a clear schedule, and has a clear and precise assignment.
  • ISTJs respect facts. They hold a tremendous store of data within themselves, gathered through their fensing function. They may have difficulty valuing a theory or idea that differs from their own perspective. However, if they are shown the importance or relevance of the idea by someone whom they respect or care about, the idea becomes a fact that the ISTJ will internalise and vigorously support.
  • They often work for long periods, devoting their energy to tasks that they see as important to fulfilling a goal. However, they resist putting energy into things that don't make sense to them, or for which they can't see a practical application. They prefer to work alone but can work well in teams when the situation demands it. They like to be accountable for their actions, and they enjoy positions of responsibility. They have little use for theory or abstract thinking, unless the practical application is clear.


In general, they are capable, logical, reasonable, and effective individuals with a deeply driven desire to promote security and peaceful living. They can be highly effective at achieving their goals.

Take the Myers Briggs Test  [Note: This currently costs $49.99]

Return to main page: Myers Briggs Type Indicators

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