Powers Of The Mind

The Powers Of The Subconscious Mind Are Considerable

The Greatest Source Of Your Power Is In Your Super-Consciousness

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The world of "self help" often makes reference to the powers of the mind, and what that normally means is the power of the sub-conscious mind.

It is of course perfectly correct that the subconscious is powerful, but only as an operating system.

It is powerful in the same way that Microsoft Windows is powerful, our subconscious mind chunters away in the background running 99.9% of what we think and feel and do.

But, just like Windows our subconscious operating system has flaws and causes failures and "system crashes".

As you review many of the articles and pages on this site you will see that I am very keen on doing all that we can to increase the power and functionality of the subconscious mind.

The Subconscious Powers Of The Mind

    The powers of the mind in the subconscious areas are considerable and can make a significant difference to how you interpret and respond to what happens to you, to the things that you attract, and to your overall quality of life experience.

    But, and this is a very big "but", these subconscious powers do NOT create everything that happens to you.

    In the bigger picture scheme of things these powers of the mind are actually very limited.

    The self-help gurus who tell you that you can have or be anything you want are propagating a "misdirection" (to put it politely) in their overstatement of a partial truth.

    The reason for this "misdirection" and overstatement of the partial truth is quite simply because they tell you what you want to hear, it panders to what you want to believe, it appeals to your ego. It puts "me" in control of "my life". (Or so we would like to believe.)

    However, life is infinitely more complex than we can comprehend, and it also inter-connected and inter-dependent in ways that we do not conventionally fully appreciate.

    The real powers of the mind lie elsewhere...

The True Source Of The Powers Of The Mind

The true source of the powers of the mind is in the transcendent or spiritual area of your mind - you could call it your super-consciousness.

What I want to share with you now needs to be approached and considered carefully, and with balance and discernment.

I say this because the realm of the transcendent powers of the mind is by its very nature experiential and thus deeply subjective, and because it is shrouded in paradox. To take two examples:

True happiness is only reached when we selflessly seek nothing but the happiness of others. As it says in the "Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life":

"The total amount of happiness that exists in the world has come from wanting to make others happy. The total amount of suffering that exists in the world has come from wanting to make yourself happy."

Or in the sayings of Jesus:

"He that finds his life shall lose it, and he that loses his life for my sake shall find it."

"He that is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted."

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At rock bottom, when you get beneath all the words, formulations, doctrines, dogmas, statements of faith and creeds of most of the world's major religions you find a generic truth and that is that the only path to real and permanent personal change and transformation lies in the death of your self.

This is the generic truth that lies at the root of the idea of the Christian "way of the cross" and "death to self", the Buddhist "dropping of the self" and "realisation of emptiness" and the Islamic jihad in the sense of a personal and internal "holy war" to achieve submission to "righteous living", and similar expressions in other faith traditions.

Awakening To The True Source Of The Deepest Powers Of The Mind

    What we are talking about here is a process that involves an experience of profound inner transformation when what you previously thought of as your self with its very limited powers of the mind is transcended by an inner awareness or consciousness of an infinitely larger Self with infinitely greater powers.

    This process of transformation may happen quickly or more often over a period of time.

    As this transcendent awareness emerges or arises you experience a form of "rebirth" or deep awakening. (This is why this is referred to as being "born again" in certain Christian circles.)

    Having awoken or been "reborn" you can't "unexperience" it and it leads to a complete paradigm shift where your deepest focus is on this infinitely larger Self rather than that which you previously thought of as "me".

    This does not mean that you completely lose all sense of "me", you don't, a healthy functioning ego is essential to operate in this world. The difference is that your "little self" now knows where it fits into the overall scheme of things and specifically in relation to your transcendent or higher self. Or to put it another way, you realise your true nature and who you really are.

    This "crossing of the threshold" and entering into awakening or rebirth does not lead to an instantaneous transformation of your whole existence - this is an ongoing process that takes a lifetime.

    Contrary to what many teachers in the major religions will tell you, the words, concepts and context of how you experience this, how you frame it and articulate it doesn't really matter - this only leads to argument and division. This is not so much faith-based as experience-based.

    The greatest contribution in the Buddhist expression of this experience is the emphasis on non-duality and a unitive consciousness. The greatest contribution in the Christian expression is the relational aspect of your limited self/ego to your highest Self - aka God! (Yes I know, another paradox!) Both are important and we will explore this in more depth and detail.

    You will experience many inner conflicts as the ego (your previously thought of idea of "me") resists this new awakening and you will face many trials, tests and tribulations in your spiritual journey.

    If it's that much hassle, why would you want to persist? Simply because there is no other way, you can't "unlearn" what you know. Think of Neo in "The Matrix", once you have taken the red pill everything changes and you enter a new dimension.

    The difference between the pre and post awakening state is massive. Your whole reason for being, your purpose in life and your mode of operation and our overall experience of life is very different. You experience a profound sense of peace and of having "come home".

    This is where you encounter the greatest powers of the mind as you align yourself and your whole life with an infinitely greater plan and purpose....

Dropping The Ego - Giving All To Gain All

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